Specialist consultation
Shoulder- elbow specialist consultation. This is a cheaper, rapid and effective quality care through multidisciplinary approach.

Benjamin is going to help you
Need help with recovery and prevention of your symptoms? For a personalized approach, you have come to the right place.
Reason for visiting the consultation hour
- Patients with complaints of the shoulder or elbow;
- Patients with shoulder or elbow pain where usual treatment does not work well or does not work;
- Patients with trauma of the shoulder or elbow;
- Patients with instability in the shoulder joint;
- Patients with rotator cuff complaints (tear or inflammation in the tendons);
- Patients with unexplained shoulder or elbow pain;
- Shoulder patients with inflammation and pain requiring injections;
- Patients seeking a second opinion regarding their complaints;
- To support your doctor in diagnosing your shoulder or elbow complaint;
To make an appointment at the consultation, you need a referral from your primary care physician or medical specialist.
- Referral by family physician to specialist (Dr. Tulner)
- Recently taken x-ray on CD (or taken at the DC clinic, then we can see it digitally
- Recent printout of medication use from you pharmacist
Make an appointment
You can make an appointment at Physiotherapy & Training Amsterdam 020 3304855. Please indicate clearly that this is the specialist consultation for the shoulder or elbow. You can also email info@ftAmsterdam.nl. We will contact you as soon as possible. A recent x-ray of your shoulder is important for the consultation. If this is not the case, you are requested to have these made in consultation with your physician and to bring them to the consultation on a CD. In addition, we are required to have a recent medication use history from you. You can request this from your pharmacist.
Multiple areas of expertise
At our specialist consultation, the orthopedic surgeon and the sports physiotherapist/manual therapist work together. Together they investigate your complaint. Through direct coordination between the orthopedic surgeon and sports physical/manual therapist and in collaboration with your primary care physician or other involved medical specialists, you will receive a customized treatment plan.
Where do you need to be?
The specialist consultation is held at Physiotherapy & Training Amsterdam, Lijnbaansgracht 241 in Amsterdam. For accessibility, see (links to 10.1) Please arrive a little early for your first visit. In fact, when you report to the front desk you will be asked to fill out two questionnaires. Please fill it out and we will pick you up at the front desk. We try to work on time, but we may have a run-out. Because even if a complaint takes a little more time, we want to provide patients with optimal quality. This sometimes takes a little more time and we ask for your understanding.
The examination
The examination lasts about 20-30 minutes. The sports physiotherapist/manual therapist or orthopedic surgeon will perform a complete shoulder examination on you. That examination starts with an interview about your symptoms, and you will be asked explicitly what you need help for. It looks at the function of the entire shoulder-arm complex and specifically identifies symptoms and pain. The results of the examination are discussed jointly by the sports physiotherapist/manual therapist and orthopedic surgeon. The findings are explained to you and together a proposal is made to treat your complaints.
An appointment must be cancelled at least 24 hours in advance. If this is not the case, we are forced to bill for the entire treatment.
Het onderzoek duurt ongeveer 20-30 minuten. The sports physiotherapist/manual therapist or orthopedic surgeon will perform a complete shoulder examination on you. That examination starts with an interview about your symptoms, and you will be asked explicitly what you need help for. It looks at the function of the entire shoulder-arm complex and specifically identifies symptoms and pain. The results of the examination are discussed jointly by the sports physiotherapist/manual therapist and orthopedic surgeon. The findings are explained to you and together a proposal is made to treat your complaints.
Benefits at a glance
- No long waits or waiting lists. You can often get an appointment within 1 week.
- Multidisciplinary approach
- You will leave with a for clear approach to your complaint and a treatment proposal.
You will be assisted by
- Dr S. Tulner traumatoloog/orthopedisch chirurg.A
- Benjamin Bos MSc. manual therapist sports physical therapist.