Fees & Rates
Is physical therapy included in the basic package?
Physical therapy is partially included in the basic health insurance package. Exactly what you will be reimbursed for depends on your age and the reason you are receiving physical therapy. You can get supplemental insurance for physical therapy not covered by basic insurance.
Physiotherapy reimbursement for young people up to age 18
Reimbursement for physical therapy for young people up to 18 aYoung people up to 18 years of age are reimbursed for the first 9 treatments for physical and remedial therapy. Are these treatments not having the desired results? Then the health insurance company may reimburse more treatments (up to 9). Young people with chronic conditions can be reimbursed for all physical and exercise therapy treatments. In the Health Insurance Act, these conditions are listed in the so-called chronic list. This list contains many medical terms. You can also check with your health insurance company or physical therapist to see if you have a condition on this list.
Physiotherapy reimbursement 18 years and older
Reimbursement for physical therapy 18 years and older Do you have a chronic condition? Then you will be reimbursed for physical and remedial therapy starting from the 21st treatment. So you pay for the first 20 treatments yourself. These 20 treatments apply per condition and not per calendar year. The Health Insurance Act lists all chronic conditions. This chronic list contains many medical terms. You can also check with your health insurance company or physical therapist to see if you have a condition on this list. Don’t have a chronic condition? Then physical therapy is not reimbursed from the basic insurance.
Exercise Therapy
For osteoarthritis of the hip and knee joints, you will be reimbursed for the first 12 treatments of exercise therapy. For intermittent claudication (leg syndrome), you will be reimbursed for the first 37 treatments of exercise therapy. For COPD, you will be reimbursed for the first 70 (maximum) treatments in the first year of treatment. In subsequent years, the number of treatments depends on the severity of COPD.
Physical therapy reimbursed from supplemental insurance
Do you have supplemental health insurance? Do you have supplemental health insurance? Please consult your health insurance policy conditions for this. Also ask your health insurer if you have to pay a co-payment.
Health insurer contract with physical therapist
Check with your health insurance company to see if it has a contract with the physical therapist of your choice. You may not get full reimbursement for the treatment otherwise. You may not get full reimbursement for the treatment otherwise. your insurance policy. You do not need a referral letter from your primary care physician to visit the physical therapist.
What complaints does the physical therapist treat?

Source: https://www.zorgwijzer.nl/faq/welke-zorgverzekeraars-zijn-er
If your insurance is not listed, you will be reimbursed at least 70% of the treatment from your additional package*. Depending on the arrangement we have with your insurance company, the invoice will be sent directly to your insurance company or you must submit the invoice yourself. If you need to submit the invoice yourself we will email it to you. Invoices will exceptionally be sent by mail. There are additional administration fees associated with this. You can always use debit cards with us.
Rate List 2022
Physiotherapy session | €44,85 |
Manual therapy session | €59,50 |
Screening, intake and examination & 1e treatment | €66,50 |
One-off physiotherapy examination on medical grounds | €55,00 |
Screening, intake and examination (with or without referral) | €55,00 |
Medical Personal Training (per hour, per person) | €78,00 |
Medical Personal Training (per hour, per 2 persons) | €110,00 |
Surcharge for outtreatment | €17,50 |
Surcharge for treatment facility | €10,50 |
Screening | €17,00 |
Telephone consultation | €42,85 |
Second opinion | €62,00 |
If an appointment is not kept and/or not cancelled 24 hours in advance, you will pay 100% of the treatment fee6