Jaw problems
Physical therapy for jaw problems focuses on functional disorders and/or movement limitations in the head and neck area, with particular reference to the chewing system.

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Physical therapy for jaw problems
The most common complaints arising from the jaw are:
- Painful and a tired feeling in the chewing muscles;
- Pain in jaw and sometimes extending to ear;
- Pain in the lower jaw during movement or rest;
- Radiation to head (headache), neck and shoulders;
- Restricted opening of the mouth;
- Asymmetrical mouth opening and closure;
- Jaw snapping and cracking;
For jaw pain, treatment consists of instruction on how to properly use and relax the mouth. If necessary, mobilization of the jaw joint will take place. You will usually be given exercises to do at home and learn to massage painful masseter muscles yourself. Lieneke specializes in jaw problems and is happy to help you get rid of your symptoms.
Make an appointment
Would you like to make an appointment with a physiotherapist or manual therapist in Amsterdam? If so, please contact us.